by Rachel Krueger This is what we’re doing now, Universe? It’s not enough that Snooki has a book deal and that the Bieber-fetus has a biopic. We’re giving Courtney Love a reality show now? Because this show isn’t going to be whatever Courtney thinks this show is going to be (“America’s Next Top Model” meets […]
Kate Gosselin: Go dancing with your kids, now
By Jodi A. Shaw Dear Kate Gosselin: What a long, twisty road you have travelled! I first met you when the smiling, laughing faces of your sextuplets caught my eye as I channel-surfed one lazy afternoon. I confess, I fell in love with your children and spent many afternoons looking in on your family. But […]
In Kate’s corner
By Rachel Krueger “Yes, hello, Kettle + 8? This is the Octo-Pot calling. Stop sucking away at my 15 minutes of fame.” I’ve never been a fan of TLC’s “Jon and Kate Exploit Their Eight” (or whatever). Being party to their marital spats and exhausted parenting makes me feel uncomfortably like an 11th wheel. Most […]
You go, girls
Reality shows: whether you love them, hate them, or feel aggressively indifferent towards them, they are rapidly overtaking sitcoms and dramedies and other such pre-written nonsense. Are they incredibly shallow? Usually. Do they make for excellent theme parties? Almost always. Are you an incredible lame-wad if you watch them alone? I’ll let you be the […]
Babies bag big bucks
What with her three adopted children, recent birthing of twins, and husband Brad’s increasingly haggard mug, the rumors that Angelina Jolie is pregnant again have compounded an already drama-riffic life. Everyone is sick of hearing about this lippy femme and her do-gooding and her cat-fighting and her award-winning and her baby-making, but no one can […]
Kiddie Litter
Most people can tell the difference between reality and reality TV. You know who can’t, though? Kids. And that’s what’s really wrong with CBS’s latest contribution to the genre, Kid Nation. Here’s a reality show aimed squarely at the age group it features: eight to 15 year olds. In Kid Nation, forty tweens and teens […]