“. . . People love this shade, but if you use it too much it’ll go to your head and make you think you can get away with anything, even a crime . . . The blush I’m using today has been misidentified as a colour called ‘BDSM’ in a lot of other makeup tutorials, […]
Ford: The broker on Dixon’s “state of distress”
Last night, CBC’s “the fifth estate” aired an episode on the Rob Ford scandal, including an interview with Mohamed Farah, a Dixon Rd. community worker and the so-called “broker” of the crack cocaine video. Here, Farah explains the roots of the story, and its impact on his community. By Mohamed Farah Long before the Toronto […]
Open season on critics
By Zoe Grams Fringe, film fest and publishing season is upon us – a time when the smell of suntan lotion lingers as we push into theatres. But it’s the critics, not just the performers, who are making headlines. With 76 events in the Vancouver Fringe, more than 100 in the Toronto International Film Festival, […]
Welcome to Canada, Randy Quaid
By Frank Moher Dear Randy Quaid: I hear Canadian authorities have decided to let you stay in Canada, and, indeed, that Canadian citizenship is now in the works for you. That’s because your wife’s dad was Canadian, so she was able to get her citizenship earlier this month, which means you can now get yours […]
Lessons for Project Samosa
By Alison@Creekside The publication ban on Project Samosa, the RCMP’s latest salvo in the war on terror, has the media scrambling to get unnamed sources and security experts to augment and substitute for accounts of court proceedings. By a happy coincidence for war on terror fans, this allows for far more pants-pissingly terrorfying conjecture than […]
Pairs skating: the CBC and the National Post
By Frank Moher Hmm. What is this doing on the website of our public broadcaster? Vancouver protestors fall silent. The article I have linked to on the CBC site is a product of its agreement with The National Post to jointly cover the Olympics. It appeared in the Post first, and from there was syndicated […]
The Alaskan Fox Goes Rogue
By Rachel Krueger I love me some bias and hyperbole, which is why I’m such a fan of Fox News. JUST jokes! I like my nonsensical news sources to be a little more upfront about their nonsensicalness (all of whom are, I’m sure, rubbing their hands in unfettered glee at this newsy tidbit). But I […]
Other dangerous viruses
The swine flu and overnight singing sensation Susan Boyle have a lot in common, and I don’t mean that in the most obvious (and insulting) sense, so shame on you. The swine flu worked its way into Canada from the south, and the video of the self-proclaimed 47-year old virgin worked its way through the […]
If not Jon Stewart, who?
Recently, Jon Stewart, host of The Comedy Network’s “The Daily Show,” has been launching hilarious barbs at CNBC for faulty financial reporting. Coming under particularly heavy fire were Jim Cramer, the rambunctious host of “Mad Money,” who has offered some blatantly bad advice, and Rick Santelli, who, in a recent video explosion, called unfortunate mortgage-holders […]
It’s Rihanna’s business
Super-ultra-pop-star Rihanna is a lot of things: model, former beauty queen, Barbadian youth cultural ambassador (!), frequent Billboard presence, wackadoo fashion icon, and a scant “score-and-one” years old. After an alleged argument that ended in alleged violence with boyfriend-singer Chris Brown a few weeks ago, however, it seems the media would like to cram a […]