By Mark Leiren-Young I’d just read the news about Charlie Hebdo when CBC Radio contacted me. They wanted me to come on the air the next morning and talk about what happened, share a satirist’s perspective. They did a pre-interview with me. I burst into tears. I’ve had people threaten to kill me for my […]
Unintelligence sources
By Frank Moher The Prime Minister, in his role as Chief Scarifier, performed as expected on Thursday, once again using an atrocity for political gain, and to serve his government’s agenda to reduce Canadians’ civil liberties. No surprise there. What was surprising — or, if not surprising, then wall-to-wall evident in the 24 hour news […]
Wright and Frum on the Republican dole
By Alison@Creekside In a week that featured . . . 1) Nigel Wright being let off the hook by the RCMP for bribing sitting legislator Senator Mike Duffy in spite of weeks of PMO discussions involving over a dozen senior party officials re buying Duffy’s silence, and 2) Senator Linda Frum making the most idiotic and widely-mocked attack on […]
Canadian humour: Deadpan, or just dead?
By Rachelle Stein-Wotten Vanity Fair devotes its January issue to celebrating comedic geniuses, and more than a handful of the spotlighted actors and writers have Canadian roots. But before all that celebrating begins, an essay by Bruce McCall ponders the dearth of Canadian comedy, and wonders whether it even exists. McCall, an ex-pat Canadian author […]
On Blatchford, Hitchens, and why babies suck
By Frank Moher One is impressed by just how credulous the reading public can be. That would be you. You see what I just did there? I just insulted you. And while conventional wisdom would suggest that insulting one’s readers is not the best way to start an article, conventional wisdom is pretty stupid, too. […]
By Rachel Krueger Bye Bieber Bunting rocks the cover of Rolling Stone next month, looking as bad-ass as his infant-face is capable of. The Stone is teasing out its Biebernterview by releasing all the salacious bits, and the PITCHFORKS ARE A-GATHERIN. Particularly around the Bieb’s stance on abortion which, though RStone calls it a “solid […]
Battle of the Bigots
By Rachel Krueger A white supremacist group called The Council of Conservative Citizens is outraged that Marvel has cast Idris Elba as Heimdall in Thor, because he is foxy. I mean, black. They probably don’t appreciate that foxy black men exist in the world, but it is definitely the blackness that they are pissed about. […]
Maclean’s gives the G20 The Onion treatment
By Alison@Creekside It’s been pretty difficult to find any humour in G20, hasn’t it? Inside — a billion dollar bunfest in which leaders talk about implementng austerity. Outside — 20,000 police decline to confront a hundred or so rioters in favour of spending the following day assaulting and arresting a thousand nonviolent citizens and locking […]
The National [sic] Magazine Awards
By Frank Moher Gosh, what a surprise. The Walrus leads this year’s National Magazine Awards with 33 nominations, followed by Maclean’s with 27 and Toronto Life with 26. This compares to 28 for The Walrus, 27 for Toronto Life, and 20 for Maclean’s last year, and 37 for The Walrus, 29 for Toronto Life, and […]
9/11 honour and dishonour
By Frank Moher As it becomes increasingly clear that the official explanation of 9/11 is insupportable and won’t stand the test of time, I thought it might be apropos to establish a media “Honour” and “Dishonour” roll, recording those news organizations who have or haven’t done their job in reporting the story. The idea here […]