By Montreal Simon It seems like it took forever. But tonight bullied children in Ontario are finally a little bit safer. And gay kids have the right to call themselves gay, and form Gay-Straight Alliances. No matter what some Catholic School Boards have to say, or what grotesque homophobes like Charles McVety spew out of every […]
Green, gay, and duping the news
By Mark Leiren-Young Green Lantern is gay? It sounds like big news, doesn’t it? It was reported like it was big news. And, of course, loopy American Christians opposed to living in the 21st century proclaimed that DC’s decision to change an iconic character’s sexuality was corrupting their children. Leaving aside the fact that comic […]
Mike Wallace and The Homosexuals
By Montreal Simon I see that Mike Wallace is being given a grand send off and is being called a journalistic hero. The newspapers are full of glowing obituaries, and TV stations have been running clips of his most famous interviews and documentaries. But funnily enough nobody mentioned the famous documentary LGBT activist Wayne Besen has […]
Three simple words that can save a life
By Montreal Simon About ten years ago I saw a young couple throw themselves in front of a subway train at the McGill metro station in downtown Montreal. It was all over in a flash. All I saw was two people on the opposite platform suddenly rush forward, and then the body of one of […]
Help yourself to a cupcake, St. Joseph’s
By Jodi A. Shaw Mayor Rob Ford may have been conspicuously absent from Toronto’s Pride Parade last weekend, but 16-year old Leanne Iskander more than made up for it as parade co-Grand Marshal (along with Michael Bach of Pride at Work Canada). Iskander made headlines in March when she was prohibited from forming a Gay-Straight […]
Enough with the gay mice
By Jodi A. Shaw Yet another study of homosexuality has been released, this one suggesting that a neurotransmitter is the remote control for sexual preference in mammals. Yi Rao, a neuroscientist at Peking University, and his collaborators engineered male mice unable to produce serotonin, who then demonstrated a preference for other male mice. The mice […]
Mike Farnworth: gay matters
By Dave Brindle Is BC ready for a story asking if it’s ready for a gay leader? It’s the story that Mike Farnworth, a leading contender to replace the deposed Carole James as leader of BC’s NDP, knew would be told before he announced his candidacy. A story that I, along with NDP MLA Spencer […]
Gervais’ Gay Joke Goes Awry
By Rachel Krueger I don’t think Ricky Gervais is a homophobe. But in his Golden Globes opening monologue he delivered a right zinger that was entirely predicated on “gay” being an insult. Referring to Jim Carrey and Ewan McGregor in I Love You, Phillip Morris, he quipped, ‘Two heterosexual actors pretending to be gay. So […]
What mother does not like Stephane Dion?
It occurs to me, as I reflect upon my tropical beverage in the midst of Alberta’s midwinter heat wave, that rum and diet cola is a strange choice. Given the calories contained in a shot of rum, not to mention the source of rum itself, I wonder why I bother with the aspartame? Similarly, why […]