By Frank Moher Kevin Newman’s interview with Chief Theresa Spence, aired today on CTV’s “Question Period,” illustrated pretty neatly in its first few minutes all that’s been wrong with mainstream coverage of Spence’s fast, and of Idle No More. Newman began by playing social worker to Spence, citing the Chiefs and elders who’ve told her, “You […]
I’m a racist. No really, I am.
Things were not comfortable for German Jews in 1938, but nobody was interested in that story at that point. Just like how, in 2013, seemingly nobody is interested in the real story of Aboriginals in Canada ~~ By Jimmy Goatcher ~~ As I watched the video below, I thought about this idea that gets bandied around a lot by people […]
Idle No More and the racist backlash
By Montreal Simon As the great rising continues, I see that a Global TV crew has been kicked out of Attawapiskat. “A Global News crew was escorted off the Attawapiskat reserve in northern Ontario and threatened with arrest after trying to do a story on living conditions in the community.” And while on the one […]
Of gazebos and Chief Spence
By Under the circumstances, it’s actually a little surprising that it took this long. Through a convenient leak to the state broadcaster, presumably from the government, evidence has surfaced that hunger strike chief Theresa Spence’s Attawapiskat First Nation does a terrible job of keeping their books. An internal audit which the government ordered last […]
Chief Spence and the Prime Minister’s pride
By Montreal Simon(First published December 25th) I didn’t want to blog tonight. I just wanted to enjoy Christmas. But I couldn’t get these two contrasting images out of my mind. Chief Theresa Spence slowly starving to death. While Stephen Harper, with a weird look on his face, plays cribbage. And the Idle No More movement […]
Idle No More: The overnight YouTube roundup
The Idle No More movement approached critical mass yesterday, as tens of thousands of First Nations people and their supporters rallied across Canada, and as far afield as New Mexico and Ukraine. Many of the peaceful protests, featuring round dances and drumming, struck at the very heart of the dominant culture — shopping malls. Others […]