By Montreal Simon The birds have been flocking back to the island as they do every spring. Flying in from south of the lake, on their way north. But this year I’m not as glad to see them, as I usually am. Because this year they can’t help reminding me of what’s going on in China. The outbreak […]
Out of the woods
By Montreal Simon I went for a walk the other day through the leafy lanes of The Shire, with a friend of mine who has suffered from severe depression from about this time last year. It was such a beautiful fall day. He was so happy, at having made so much progress on the road […]
Friendly Canadian input on the US election
By David Taub Bancroft The sun is shining. The flowers are blooming. We are in a year that is divisible by four. I think we all know what that means. In a matter of months, our American friends will once again start hanging chads or whatever it is they do to hold a presidential election, […]
Alberta’s doctor dilemma
By Jodi A. Shaw I just wanted to go to the doctor. Alberta has been suffering from a physician shortage for several years, but it’s become especially keen lately. With Calgary’s population just over 1,070,000 and growing, an estimated 200,000 Calgarians are currently without a family doctor. It’s a complex issue – fewer doctors are […]
Alberta delivers on midwives’ potential
By Jodi A. Shaw I prefer not to know the finer details of child birth. Instead, I’d rather wait my turn to experience it, and find out the good, the bad, and the ugly of pregnancy and delivery. A pregnant co-worker, however, has been spoiling some of the secrets for me . . . and […]
No more bake sales?
BC’s schools are on a health jag. All over the province, they’re implementing a variety of initiatives to increase physical activity and better eating in students. Can’t disagree with that. Hats off to those that are removing or limiting pop and vending machines and providing healthier alternatives. Huge applauds to schools that are increasing nutritional […]
Babies and non-smokers first
Marnie Ko One week ago, I sat in a packed walk-in medical centre with my child, waiting restlessly to see a doctor on a Sunday. I had hoped the clinic would be faster than the nearest hospital, and while our visit was urgent and could not wait until a weekday, it was not a life […]