By Mark Leiren-Young Green Lantern is gay? It sounds like big news, doesn’t it? It was reported like it was big news. And, of course, loopy American Christians opposed to living in the 21st century proclaimed that DC’s decision to change an iconic character’s sexuality was corrupting their children. Leaving aside the fact that comic […]
The Bard for MBAs
By Mark Leiren-Young Whether t’is nobler to study the Bard or to learn to balance your chequebook, that is the question posed by the Financial Post business section. Although the article by Fabio Campanella, CA, CFP, CIM is a partner at Campanella McDonald LLP never actually suggests ditching English Lit in favour of watching your […]
Samuel L. Jackson, Canadian movie star
By Mark Leiren-Young It takes years to make a movie. It takes less than 48 hours to determine its fate. If the box office numbers from Friday and Saturday night aren’t impressive, a movie won’t be in theatres the following week. Samuel L. Jackson’s latest, The Samaritan, opens tonight and if you’re looking for a […]
Two words: Joss Whedon. Okay, four: Scarlett Johansson
By Mark Leiren-Young A few days before The Avengers debuted I was asked why I was so excited about seeing what’s looking like the most successful comic book movie of all time. This was my answer. I’m a lifelong comic book fan and the idea that it’s even possible to make The Avengers has my […]