By Nathaniel Moher It’s the holiday season, and I’m sure that, like me, most of you did all your Christmas shopping, or Chanukah shopping, online. It’s just so much easier than leaving the house. (I have a hard enough time leaving my bed. Luckily, Jim Beam ships me crates of the “inspiration juice” monthly.) But, […]
A Modest Opinion — Who knew being Mayor was so easy?
By Nathaniel Moher There’s been a lot of talk about Toronto Mayor Rob Ford as of late. Yes, he smokes crack. Yes, he gets so drunk sometimes he smokes crack. And yes, he’s got “enough to eat at home.” But I think the main point that everyone is missing, is how easy it apparently is […]
A Modest Opinion — Thank God for Duffy and Ford
By Nathaniel Moher [Editor’s Note: Please be advised that this article has been edited to remove any sort of libel . . . and also comedy.] Let’s be honest, guys, for the last four years I’ve been doing my best to try and convince you that Canadian politics are at all interesting. I mean, sure […]
A Modest Opinion — Nathaniel Moher’s Guide to Fixing the World, Pt. 7
By Nathaniel Moher To be honest guys, I’m not too sure if my world-fixing services are really needed at the moment. I mean, look at the USA; they successfully fixed their government by themselves – after nearly causing a default and forcing 800,000 employees to stop working (or, as the Republicans put it, “Take a […]
A Modest Opinion – Smart move, Republicans
By Nathaniel Moher All right, truth time, when my editor finally got ahold of me, I was about half-way through a case of Jim Beam. It turns out, just because the American government has decided it doesn’t need to work, doesn’t mean I get to skip work and drink like it’s literally the end of […]
A Modest Opinion – Celebrating 100 articles of being right 100% of the time
By Nathaniel Moher Dear loyal readers, I’m sure most of you would like to thank me for all one hundred of the articles I’ve written over the last four years, and so you should. Assuming you just did, I’d like to say, “You’re welcome!” One hundred articles ago, if you had asked me if I’d […]
A Modest Opinion — Syria? More like Syri-ous, am I right, guys?
By Nathaniel Moher If you’re like me, you’re confused and angered by what’s happening with Syria right now. I mean … we have to learn about another Middle Eastern country that we’re going to attack?! Come on, Obama, I just learned where Iran was, and you guys haven’t even attacked that place yet. One war […]
A Modest Opinion – By George, it’s a baby!
By Nathaniel Moher I, like most of you, was surprised to learn that we have ended up living in a dystopian future where there hasn’t been a baby born in years. A time when humankind fears that this might be the end of our existence. What was it? What led to us not having babies […]
A Modest Opinion – Russia to America: Spy on this!
By Nathaniel Moher As most of you are now aware (unless of course, you don’t have the internet, in which case, you have nothing to worry about anyway), the United States government is spying on anyone who happens to use a cell phone, or the web (which means, I sure hope that the Amish aren’t […]
A Modest Opinion – Nathaniel Moher’s Guide to Fixing the World, Pt. 6
By Nathaniel Moher Over the last two years, I have presented at least 19 completely achievable and 100 per cent effective ideas for fixing the state of the world today (including: free drugs for everyone, more porn, making Jurassic Park a real thing, and bringing back the reboot of “Charlie’s Angels” – all of which […]