He has always been an enemy of gay people. A man who would murder their rights tomorrow, if he thought he could get away with it.
He has voted against every bill that would make them equal, or protect them from hate crimes.
He discriminates openly against gay organizations. He won’t spend a dollar to help save the lives of gay children who are being bullied to death.
But he does have oodles of sticky blood money to fund an anti-gay group in one of the most anti-gay countries on earth.
An evangelical organization that describes homosexuality as a “perversion” and a “sin” is receiving funding from the Government of Canada for its work in Uganda, where gays and lesbians face severe threats.
A nightmare place where American evangelicals have stirred up a genocidal hatred against LGBT Ugandans. A place where lynch mobs run wild in a frenzy of blood lust.
Five police officers force three young men out of their one-room slum dwelling in Kampala, with no explanation. As they are dragged down the slum’s main shopping street, their neighbours’ hateful shouts make their “crime” all too clear: “Beat those gays up!” “Kill those monsters!” “Give them what they deserve!”
A country where LGBT people are called “Kuchus” and must live in fear of being murdered . . .
Like poor, gentle, brave David Kato, bludgeoned to death in his own home, assaulted again at his funeral.
While we live in a country with a Con regime that would send out its pathetic gay stooge John Baird to condemn the bigots and religious fanatics in Uganda, while secretly funding those who think like them.
Until Tuesday, the organization’s website carried a list of “sexual sins” deemed to be “perversion”: “Turning from the true and/or proper purpose of sexual intercourse; misusing or abusing it, such as in pedophilia, homosexuality and lesbianism, sadism, masochism, transvestism, and bestiality.”
Just hours after The Canadian Press contacted the group to ask a spokesperson about the site, the page in question disappeared from public view.
And who like the theocons in the PMO would hide in the shadows.
A ghastly alien teabagger regime that is blatantly and outrageously favouring the religious over the secular.
A study by the Canadian Research Institute on Humanitarian Crisis and Aid concluded that, between 2005 and 2010, the funding for religious non-government organizations increased 42 per cent. Secular groups saw an increase of five per cent.
A theocratic right-wing cult whose plan is to destroy government, hand the poor, the old, and the sick over to religious groups, and have them sing for their supper.
And of course the scariest part is that so many Canadians are so ignorant they still don’t believe that Stephen Harper has a weird and hidden religious agenda. Or would CHOOSE not to believe it. Or like those in his rabid base, would make genocide smell like roses.
Great eh? You know three years ago I made a little video about Great Ugly Leader’s anti-gay record, to warn what might happen if he ever got a majority. And it’s so humble, so incomplete, so outdated, so inadequate, I’m almost ashamed to play it again.
But I promise I will make a better one. I will include the bullied kids, and the Kuchus of Uganda. And all the other indignities of Harper’s war on gay people.
I will fight this ugly bigot bully regime of religious fanatics every day of my life until it is driven from power and this country is safe and clean again.
And in the meantime, damn those Con bastards eh?
This is STILL who they are . . .
Thats it Herry69. Suck it all up without a single thought that this writer doesn’t have a shred of proof that Harper is funding anyone in Uganda. Just suck up all his/her hate and keep the cycle going.
why the hell is harper and the corruption party funding ‘ a group ‘ in another country ???!!??? i guess these pathetic id-iots forgot where they live ! effing a–holes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, what an appropriate title for your article. HATE. I don’t think I’ve ever read a more biased and factless article based entirely on your hatred for religion and the PM. Easy to spout conspiracy theories about a secret agenda, secret funding, secret war. If it is a secret HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT IT???? And the facts you do point out? Sources please. 42% increase in religios funding? Percentages are misleading. Giving $1.42 to his favorite charity instead of $1 would be a 42% increase. Similarly, dropping $1.01 billion on non-secular items instead of $1 billion would be a 1% increase, but would equal out to a lot mre money spent than on the charity.
If you want us to listen, give us something worth listening to. Stop beimg a lazy hate-monger “journalist” and go actually source your facts. Use some journalistic integrity. I’ve read F grade English essays with more quoted sources than this.