As the great rising continues, I see that a Global TV crew has been kicked out of Attawapiskat.
“A Global News crew was escorted off the Attawapiskat reserve in northern Ontario and threatened with arrest after trying to do a story on living conditions in the community.”
And while on the one hand I’m sorry about that, because I want as many Canadians as possible to see how many First Nations people live. So they can better understand why they are rising.
On the other hand I can’t blame Chief Spence and the people of that poor little community for being angry at the media.
Especially after so many in the MSM have used a leaked audit to go after them like a pack of rabid wolves. From the smarmy contempt of John Ivison:
“Theresa Spence isn’t talking. The Attawapiskat First Nation chief is fasting and she can’t talk when she’s fasting, according to her spokesman Danny Metatawabin. Why not, I wondered? It’s not as if her mouth is full.”
To the unbearable smugness of the libertarian Con Tasha Kheiriddin.
“Any other leader in Canadian society would be pilloried for these findings. If Spence were the CEO of a private company, shareholders would be demanding her head. If she were president of a Crown corporation or public body, opposition parties would waste no time in calling for her resignation.”
Who would compare running the impoverished community of Attawapiskat with all its problems to running a corporation. The idiot.
To the horror of the grotesque chickenhawk Christie Blatchford cheerleading for a violent crackdown.
Saying “I do not get it,” an Ontario Superior Court judge Monday bemoaned the passivity of Ontario police forces on illegal native barricades and issued a lament for the state of law-and-order in the nation.
And all of them stirring up the violent racists who are pouring out of the darkest and smelliest crevices of this country like cockroaches . . .
Even though the Idle No More movement has been overwhelmingly peaceful, and the audit shows that since Chief Spence took over, the band’s accounting practices have improved.
Kennedy said the audit proves things improved after Spence became chief on Aug. 27, 2010.The audit’s examination of 400 Aboriginal Affairs transactions supports his assertion. Between 2009 and 2011, the audit found 31 transactions lacked supporting documentation. Between 2005 and 2009, the audit found 214 transactions lacked all supporting documentation.
And by attacking the Chief and her council like a lynch mob, without any evidence of wrongdoing, the Con minions in the MSM are only playing into the hands of Stephen Harper. And pouring fuel on the fires of the worst racist backlash I have ever witnessed.
A backlash made only more disgusting and shameful by the fact it is aimed at the poorest of Canadians.
Oh well, at least there are some in the MSM who won’t play Harper’s game, and would remind us what it’s all about…
Most of Canada’s native people live in a misery we don’t even see because we’d rather not know. It’s one of the many drawbacks of living on the reserve, far away from the southern cities that Canadians cling to. There’s no one to hear you scream, as the Irish writer Edna O’Brien once said about rural child abuse in her own country. If you don’t like Indians getting uppity, try this. Look at the gorgeous, hopeful faces of their children, who don’t yet know they’re headed for a life of blank despair thanks to our idleness.
And those in the progressive media to remind us why Stephen Harper is so desperate to discredit the Idle No More movement.
Prime Minister Stephen Harper may be facing the defining issue of his regime. As he prepares for Friday’s meeting with First Nations leaders, he faces the strongest public opposition to his core agenda that he has seen in his seven years in office, one that is widespread, motivated, and legally empowered.
People stood up to the bully and in his first real test, he blinked. In reluctantly agreeing to meet this Friday, he has shown his nervousness. In the maliciousness with which his people have attacked Chief Theresa Spence this week, he has shown his fear.
Gosh. Isn’t that a lovely thought? Great Custer Custard Leader quivering like a royal jello at the thought of what lies ahead. All those noisy demos, all those court battles.
All those angry calls from his rabid base: “Why aren’t you shooting them ??!!” All those angry calls from China. “Where is our PIPELINE !!@##!!” All those angry calls from Big Oil. “Hey boy, you’re FIRED !!!!!”
Bye bye Con agenda. Bye bye bigots. Bye bye Con media, you can keep your pay walls.
It’s only the beginning.
Idle No More . . .
Idle No More