Update: Cartoonist: Enbridge parody pulled on orders from Postmedia executive
The Vancouver Province has pulled from its website an animation created by its editorial cartoonist, Dan Murphy, that satirizes Enbridge’s massive ad campaign in support of its Northern Gateway pipeline.
In the original ad, Enbridge claims that the pipeline is “a path to our future,” while families and fish frolic in sylvan settings to placid music. In the parody (see below), a fictional official comments with increasing distress as the ad is repeatedly interrupted with giant oil splotches.
Wayne Moriarty, The Province‘s Editor-in-Chief, says the animation was removed at the request of Enbridge “because it contains copyrighted material.” He admits that use of the material might be protected under fair use laws, but says the newspaper chose not to pursue the matter. He points out that The Province has run editorials critical of the pipeline, and insists that the decision to pull the satire has nothing to do with the $5 million campaign, which is running in his paper and The Vancouver Sun (both of which are owned by The Pacific Newspaper Group), among many other media outlets.
Moriarty denies a rumour that Murphy has been fired because of the cartoon. Murphy was not available for comment. His cartoon, however, may trump the original yet. The Enbridge ad, posted on its youtube channel, has drawn just 260 views. Murphy’s take, posted on the third-party channel below, has received 632 views — so far.
– Frank Moher
See also: The Province’s big, gooey Enbridge mess
You’re 100% right. The question here isn’t one of parody or of spoofing Enbridge; the question here is free speech. Bravo to you for making so many aware of this.
You can still get the add on U-tube. Enbridge spills it out
Yet another company that needs to learn of the Streisand Effect – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect
Did they pull the cartoon to turn it into more of a story… People want to see something more when they have heard it has been pulled…
I wouldn’t put it past The Province… Thats for sure…
search: theprovince.com cartoons
It has been there right along with all the rest.
Enbridge: Waaaa. Internet World: Haha!
Hilarious, but sadly also true.