By Frank Moher
Having owned the Brock Anton story sufficiently on Thursday to crash our server for awhile — we’ve now moved to a nice big new one — it seems necessary to provide a follow-up, although much of the web has moved on to other riot tales, like the kissing couple. And even though, frankly, writing about this stuff leaves me feeling like I’ve showered in water from a septic field.
Despite various rumours on the Internetz, there’s no evidence that Anton has been arrested or, like some of the perps, turned himself in. The Vancouver Police asked the RCMP in Duncan, BC, where the B-Rock lives (or at least did once), to look into the matter, but for some reason the Mounties aren’t interested in getting their man.
Meantime, poor Brock’s father (or should that be Brock’s poor father) has washed his hands of him. “I don’t know if he was or wasn’t [at the riot],” Jim Anton told the local paper. “He’s 23 years old. He’s no responsibility of mine. It’s got nothing to do with me.” Which may provide some clue as to why Brock is as he is.
But if Anton père doesn’t know if his son was at the riot, the rest of the world does. A number more images have emerged since we constructed the side-by-side comparison contained in our first story. That’s Brock up there with an unidentified companion. Here he is giving somebody the sideways finger:
For awhile there was video on youtube showing him delivering a kick to an overturned car, but it has since been made private. (I guess not everyone is into helping to identify the offenders.) We can reconstruct the big moment, though, using images from Vancouver Riot Pics: Post Your Photos. Here’s Brock givin’ er:
And, boom:
Note, by the way, the blood on his fingers, which suggests that some part of his original facebook story (“6 broken fingers, blood everywhere, punched a fucken pig in head with riot gear on knocked him to the ground”) might actually be true.
But here’s the thing: other than these pics, there’s not much out there to hang on Brock. Could be wrong, maybe the police have more on him, but so far it appears the worst he can be charged with is kicking a car that was already a write-off, as well as various fashion offenses. So I tend to agree with the posters on the unfortunately-named “Brock Anton Sucks Dick” facebook page who have advised our boy that it’s time to man-up and turn himself in. It’s either that or move to the Antarctic, where he’d still have to change his name and wear a mask to disguise his identity from outraged penguins.
And then, if he does do the right thing, it might be time for the rest of us to take a break from posting illiterate facebook messages about what a d-bag he is and what should happen to him in jail — which is, as has been pointed out, just another form of mob mentality — and heed the advice of this guy:
Honestly I hope the best for Brock, sure he was a fucking idiot. I hope he gets charged and learns and changes in a positive way from it. I have been involved in the justice system. At first I understood why people looked so negatively at me and what I did. But after awhile I changed people still look at me even though I am different now people still look at me as a “physco”. We all fuck up we should encourage him to do better so he does not make the same mistake, and really this guy and people who started it are not terrible people they just did something terrible, I hope they learn from this experience and grow the fuck up.
See, Brock? There’s still hope. Do it.
Read Brock Anton’s Facebook post.
That’s who Brock Anton is.
Brock Anton is a crack with the IQ of a sack of onions.
Any sympathizers are just as much the ignorant immoral waste of skin.
@Nicole Lynch: “Yes Brock did a very silly thing, I think we have all done something stupid in our lifetime, fortunately social media was unheard of when I was 20.”
If doing “something stupid” constitutes burning police cars and ransacking everything in sight for no purpose other than sheer entertainment and carnal blood-lust, you need to commit to the nearest psychiatric ward to undergo industrial-strength therapy.
@Owen Ford: “Where was all the enthusiasm for ’shaming’ when the police ran amok at the G20 last year? Hundreds of officers who committed criminal acts on the day walk around – with their $100,000/annum incomes – free to this day, uncharged and unrepentant. Nary a peep from the masses.”
LMFAO. You are not seriously comparing a politically motivated protest to a SENSELESS riot after a HOCKEY game are you? There’s “shaming” because there wasn’t a POINT to breaking PUBLIC property for the most INANE reason possible. I mean, really? Are you THAT thick?
I wish people got as angry about our current BC government and their destruction of our health care and education systems, there were many “Brock Antons” at the riot and likely recipients of the Liberal guided education program…..what does that tell you. Yes Brock did a very silly thing, I think we have all done something stupid in our lifetime, fortunately social media was unheard of when I was 20. People need to move on and get over it………put your incredible energy into destroying the BC Liberals!
Big tough guy in board shorts and FLIP FLOPS! Were you on the way to the BEACH Brock? Kicking a car with your flip flop. You are uber-manly!
It’s just too bad, for the folks demanding that people go easy on Anton & his spoiled-brat confreres. That’s not the way it is, when this kind of media allows the spreading of your image instantly to hundreds of thousands of people, who can then post un-mediated reactions. You get what you get. Its just rough Anton, etc., is so genetically deficient to comprehend the results. No one feels like going easy once again, as always here….
Here is a really good idea. Everyone own up to what they did that night. I mean come on, oh my loser hockey team lost the stanley cup so I’m going to torch a few cop cars, trash a few businesses, ruin some guys night by burning his car. The people of Vancouver had better be hanging there heads in shame for their out right stupid actions. What a bunch of ass clowns. In 2009 we didn’t hear about riots in Detroit. In 2010 we didn’t hear about riots in Philadelphia. Oh well Vancouver can be proud of themselves. As for Brock “the douche bag” Anton (if there really is a person with that name) Keep running ass monkey but remember they will find you and when you get whats coming to you remember bubba likes to kiss, cuddling just freaks him out.
Where was all the enthusiasm for ‘shaming’ when the police ran amok at the G20 last year? Hundreds of officers who committed criminal acts on the day walk around – with their $100,000/annum incomes – free to this day, uncharged and unrepentant. Nary a peep from the masses.
But a guy who kicks a car in some idiotic riot – about a hockey game! – it’s the end of the effin’ world! Fucking Canadians (speaking as one) – a bunch of lobotomized, gutless sheep.
I’d call this guy a cowardly punk, but that would be too great an insult to cowardly punks everywhere!
Maybe he’ll grow a pair and stand up like a man and take responsibility. I doubt it though. He looks like the type that would run and hide!
basically a loser who really brought shame on vancouver. he’s actively participating in the acvities. there is nothing cool about. young age is not an excuse.
most of these people were from out of town, many were not.
“Which may provide some clue as to why Brock is as he is.”
You made me laugh out loud…thank you! 🙂
He’s a scapegoat for all the other morons who thought it was fun to trash our city. He’s the face of a faceless mass and all of us who believe in a just society condemn him – not through the justice system of the courts, but through the justice of the people, by the people!
I do feel a bit sorry for him for how massively his life has been wrecked, but all of those responsible deserve punishment and we will thrash those that we can find. Nathan Kotylak – I’m talking to you, too!
At least Nathan had the balls (or was forced by his dad) to turn himself in – Brock where are you?