By Alison@Creekside
When the G8 leaders stayed for one night at the Deerhurst Resort as part of the G8/G20 $1.2-billion bunfest, their one-night stay probably didn’t afford them the opportunity to fully appreciate all the benefits of the G8 Legacy Infrastructure Slush Fund spent in Industry Minister Tony Clement’s riding.
“32 projects that received funding, many of which appear to have no connection to the needs of the G8 summit, chosen by Industry Minister Tony Clement, the mayor of Hunstville, and the general manager of Deerhurst Resort”
And “reducing congestion” at the border by putting up gazebos 50k away is a neat trick.
“The (Jan. 13th) draft report says that in November 2009, the government tabled supplementary spending estimates which requested $83 million for a Border Infrastructure Fund aimed at reducing congestion at border crossings. But the government did not reveal that it intended to devote $50 million of that money to a G8 legacy fund, even though Huntsville is nowhere near the Canada-U.S. border.”
The world famous Tony Clement $100,000 gazebo
Also . . .
Auditor general Sheila Fraser is not pleased the Cons misquoted her about the G8 slush fund the day Parliament dissolved last month.
Their dissenting opinion to the committee report to the House read:
All witnesses brought forwarded testimony demonstrating strong endorsement of the government’s unprecedented transparency to summit costs. [lols]
The Auditor General, Sheila Fraser commented in this regard the following: “We found that the processes and controls around that were very good, and that the monies were spent as they were intended to be spent.”
Fraser said the quote had nothing to do with the summits. Instead, the Conservatives falsely recycled an old comment she made on security spending by a previous Liberal government after the 9/11 terrorist attacks a decade ago. (emphasis mine)
Oh well, at least we still have all those nice Economic Action Plan signs.