By Alison@Creekside
Quite a day, Blue Dog Liberals.
You voted against stopping a $¼-million government subsidy to an asbestos lobby group.
2) You dogwhistled about abortion, in your maternal health initiative for developing countries “wedge” motion, but were too afraid to actually include the word.
3) You used the “wedge” motion — intended to smoke out the Cons — to give your own party a very public wedgie, losing the final vote: 144-138.
Bonus: 4) You voted for the Harper budget supplementary estimates by mistake, necessitating a redo.
A special shout out to the following Blue Dog Libs for voting against the maternal health motion: John McKay, Paul Szabo, and Dan McTeague, and to Albina Guarnieri and Gurbax Malhi who abstained.
Libs missing in action for the vote: Derek Lee, Anita Neville, Gerard Kennedy, Andrew Kania, Borys Wrzesnewskyj, Alan Tonks, Marlene Jennings, Joe Volpe, Lawrence MacAuley, Stephane Dion, Mario Silva, and Jim Karygiannis.
*Blue Dog Democrats in the US oppose abortion, SSM, and gun control.