Common to these Canadian 9/11 “truthers” is a great passion for their cause. Speculation aside, they note that there is more than enough evidence to counter what Zwicker calls “the official US government conspiracy theory of 9/11.” They are dedicated to deciphering the available hard evidence and nurturing a growing public outcry to reopen the 9/11 investigations under completely neutral conditions.
The slow exposure of the Bush/Cheney deceit machine pushes against the fog of trauma and pain left by 9/11. Their bag of tricks has included unprovoked invasions of other nations, huge tax paybacks to large corporations, the looting of natural resources, war profiteering, illegal wiretapping, the outing of an undercover CIA operative, torture and human rights offences, the recent Wall Street bailout, the USA Patriot Act, and the violent deaths of a million innocent civilian men, women, and children in Iraq and Afghanistan, based on lies. While many still want to believe that the Bush/Cheney gang are telling the truth about 9/11, it’s increasingly hard not see that as an incredible leap of faith.
– R.D. Loyd is a journalist and broadcaster living on Gabriola Island, B.C.