By Frank Moher
Maybe it’s because his guy, Giuliani, was already tanking when this was filmed. (Back in October, in happier days, David Frum had signed on as Giuliani’s “senior foreign policy advisor.”) Maybe it’s because his new book, the optimistically titled Comeback: Conservativism That Can Win Again, hasn’t exactly been burning up the bestsellers lists. (As of today, it isn’t even on the Times’ “Also Selling” tally.) Maybe he’s still irritated by having his “Axis of Hatred” slogan rewritten by lesser White House intellects. But, from his opening query — “I assume you have permission from the library for the filming” — to his uninspired attempt at a riposte — “I’d take stronger medication” — to his closing dudgeon — “The questions are disgraceful” — it doesn’t look to me like David Frum is having a good time here.
Speaking of happier days, let’s take a moment to recall the more keen-witted way his mother handled confrontations.